Turn heads like Naimal Khawar in this black chiffon attire. This outfit features white thread-work embroidery and blingy sequins that create a striking contrast. It comes with a matching embroidered dupatta and a dyed trouser. It is ideal for any event where you want to look chic and classy. Grab yours and get ready to impress everyone with your fashion sense!
- Embroidered front and back on chiffon
- 1 mtr embroidered sleeve with border on chiffon
- 30” embroidered border for the front hemline on chiffon
- 30” embroidered border for the back hemline on chiffon
- 1 embroidered neckline on organza
- 2.5 meter borders for front and back chaak on chiffon
- 2.5 meter embroidered dupatta
- 1.5 mtr dyed wider width poly cotton for trouser